
LED Lighting Market to Worth USD 33.1B as Market Penetration Rate Hit 52% by 2017

The latest analysis finds that LED Lighting market to worth US $29.6 billion in 2016 and is to rise to US $ 33.1 billion as of 2017. Meanwhile, the penetration rate of LED lighting is to reach 52%. Thanks to

LED Lighting Market to Worth USD 33.1B as Market Penetration Rate Hit 52% by 2017 2018-07-07T09:36:45+00:00

Development Prospects of Solar Street Light in Australia

Solar street light near the seashore of Western Australia The population of Australia is around 20 million, which is about sixtieth of the Chinese total population--1.3 billion. Australia has very broad land area, low population density. However, Australia is rich

Development Prospects of Solar Street Light in Australia 2018-07-06T18:45:03+00:00

Technology of LED Chip

Not Just Light Generation - Xicato Calls It "Internet of Lights" or Lighting 2.0 Xicato, in cooperation with Echelon will demonstrate a new integrated controls approach. What Xicato understnds when saying "Internet of Lights" is already explained shortly on their

Technology of LED Chip 2018-07-07T09:36:54+00:00